Sunday, May 1, 2016

My Hashimotos Journey

Hashimotos Blog 1

                                                         My Hashimotos Journey

     Where do I begin?  I have been asking myself this question for weeks as I have been trying to put all my thoughts together, and I have a lot of thoughts.  I don't want to bore you with the details of me…and dumb introductions about me….or a long drawn out story about me.  Truth be told, I'm really not so good at talking about me.  So once again I'm left with asking myself “where do I begin?”
     So I start with telling you all that I just want a place to put my thoughts….even better a place to put my passion.  I always thought that I didn’t have a passion for anything.  Well…it turns out I do and this is it….no not blogging…health and all that that embodies.  For me…. I absolutely love a challenge and when I'm faced with something be it physical emotional Or  mental I attack it in the most organic way possible and I mean organic. But lm a work in progress and this journey I have embarked upon hasn't been easy or perfect.  And I'm not here to tell anyone how to handle any given situation …I just wanted to share  my journey and maybe along the way help someone out and make it just a little bit easier for them than it was for me.
    So here is the place to start if your not feeling your best.  Not sleeping well. Losing hair. Having chronic pain. Feeling anxious. Wanting to scream at the slightest thing ..losing patience easily with others(especially your kids). Just not feeling like you have a handle on your emotions. Tired??  Ha. Not even close.  Try absolutely spent..done…cooked…empty. Or how about like your losing your mind?  Like literally.  Not remembering things….just can't quite recall that damn word.  Palpitations..night sweats..not sleeping sound. And of course major PMS that seems to last all month long.
     Anything sound familiar….it does to me because that exactly how I was living when my body quit on me….and now I wanted to know why.  I needed to know why. And once I found out why….I needed to fix it.. Heal myself.
                                And so begins my journey……..