Wednesday, September 21, 2016

     Allow me to refresh ….last I left off I began my new eating regime.  Before I get deep into that I'd like to back up a bit and tell you how I came to find out about this new regime.   Along with searching the Internet and reading about anything alternative as well as conventional about thyroid health, I was listening to alternative health podcasts.  (It ate up a lot of time on the treadmill and/or stepmill as exercise was quite the struggle then). First let me say…there is quite a lot of info out there, and for a time, it did nothing short of completely overwhelm me and make me feel paralyzed.  But I just continued to listen whenever and wherever I could ..I took notes on my phone so that I could remember some key points, tips, names as well as websites  Listening to the podcasts were where I understood the major food groups to eliminate from my diet.  That part had began, what I needed was a way to get to the root cause of this immune disorder.
     The following podcast was one of the ones that I personally found the most helpful. It's called Food As Medicine with Dr. Anh. Not only was it chock full of information, but the guests that were on were in the forefront of integrative medicine and thyroid health.  They all had their own journey and offered insight and answers to many question I had.  There were so many AHA moments that I often almost fell off whatever piece of cardio equipment I was on!!!!                                
     So it was thru Dr. Anh’s podcast that I heard the following speakers and searched their websites for even more information.  Isabella Wentz—    Magdalena Wszelaki,  Dr Jeff Robins. Dr Maria Synder…just to name a few of the speakers who have been  the most influential…so much wonderful information….and  instead of contradicting one another (which I find in conventional medicine) they all complimented one another….it was no question I was on the right track…. I was like a sponge soaking up how I was going to change my life and then rule the world…..well maybe not the latter….but I was excited to take back my health!!!!!!
     Now from being on all the websites mailing lists…I received a free webinar (another wonderful source of information) from Isabella Wentz.  She was speaking with a guest named Christa Orecchio..the creator of After listening to that webinar (once again at the gym) is when it all shifted.  It was a very specific program designed to address all the possible underlying caused of my Hashimotos.  The program is called Gut Thrive in 5. It was an absolute step by step journey to help slash inflammation, purge pathogens….address candida,  flush out heavy metals and toxins and heal and rebuild the gut….  
     Now there is so much out there now in terms of detoxing and rebalancing so this isn't me pitching one product over another… was just what captured me…..what made me feel like I was in the right place and totally doable for me….and isn't that the whole darn point….that I could do this!!!!!   I'm not going to give you a blow by blow of the program….I gave the info…it's there to look into ….it's not for everyone…it's just what helped me…and no matter what road anyone decides to travel down…make it your own….after all….it's all about the journey…..and here's mine……stay tuned!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Keepfit Training Blog:                                                   ...

Keepfit Training Blog:                                                   ...:                                                    MY HASHIMOTOS BLOG #3 Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ...
                                                   MY HASHIMOTOS BLOG #3

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

     The first step now that I had my results….which were TSH levels at 9.4. Antibodies at 960. And a low free T3.Oh and how can I forget the multiple nodules making a home on my thyroid!!!!     Basically my thyroid isn't functioning properly and it was attacking itself…My question is why????   I'm not one to just sit back and do nothing to heal myself….. In my research, I came to understand that there there can be several reasons why I developed an autoimmune disorder.  The top most common reasons were possibly food sensitivities (leaky gut), toxins, gluten, infection, inflammation, deficiencies….just to name a few.  So…..with that said….things weren't so clear cut for me because of my limited financial means and kinda crappy health insurance(which I am very happy to have).  I had to be creative and extremely proactive (mind you I was feeling completely overwhelmed with all this new information)so once I took a little time to digest it all…hahah…I figured I would start with what I thought was the most obvious and reasonable place….my food…. because that was something I could change without tests and blood work and doctors appointments….blab bla bla.
     I always thought I ate well..and I do…I did…but what I have come to understand is that I was eating well but not right….at least not right for my situation AND not right for my body to heal itself from this Hashimotos.  Not right to help my liver detox and my adrenals recover.  I was just so wiped physically mentally and emotionally that I was willing to do whatever it took to just feel better.
     I was already gluten free for over 5 years(thank goodness). I eliminated dairy, corn, soy, sugar, alcohol, eggs, caffeine and certain nightshade so of veggies..  I know I know…as my mom repeatedly said…..”geeeez Kathy….what the heck is there left for you to eat?????  Your going to starve!!!!”  My mother is Italian….need I say more….  I'm not going to paint a picture here that this was easy….because it wasn't and it did kinda send me into the poor me’s for a bit…..but strangely at the same time I was quite driven to do this!!!!!
     So over the next few months….here's what I noticed ….I was starting to sleep better, indigestion gone, no bloating, no burping and my energy was returning.  My skin looked better and I stopped losing so much hair!!!!    Ok….so step one was helping….now I needed get clear cut picture on all, if any, vitamin deficiencies so that I can begin to replenish and further my healing process!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned…………..

                                                   MY HASHIMOTOS BLOG #3

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

     The first step now that I had my results….which were TSH levels at 9.4. Antibodies at 960. And a low free T3.Oh and how can I forget the multiple nodules making a home on my thyroid!!!!     Basically my thyroid isn't functioning properly and it was attacking itself…My question is why????   I'm not one to just sit back and do nothing to heal myself….. In my research, I came to understand that there there can be several reasons why I developed an autoimmune disorder.  The top most common reasons were possibly food sensitivities (leaky gut), toxins, gluten, infection, inflammation, deficiencies….just to name a few.  So…..with that said….things weren't so clear cut for me because of my limited financial means and kinda crappy health insurance(which I am very happy to have).  I had to be creative and extremely proactive (mind you I was feeling completely overwhelmed with all this new information)so once I took a little time to digest it all…hahah…I figured I would start with what I thought was the most obvious and reasonable place….my food…. because that was something I could change without tests and blood work and doctors appointments….blab bla bla.
     I always thought I ate well..and I do…I did…but what I have come to understand is that I was eating well but not right….at least not right for my situation AND not right for my body to heal itself from this Hashimotos.  Not right to help my liver detox and my adrenals recover.  I was just so wiped physically mentally and emotionally that I was willing to do whatever it took to just feel better.
     I was already gluten free for over 5 years(thank goodness). I eliminated dairy, corn, soy, sugar, alcohol, eggs, caffeine and certain nightshade so of veggies..  I know I know…as my mom repeatedly said…..”geeeez Kathy….what the heck is there left for you to eat?????  Your going to starve!!!!”  My mother is Italian….need I say more….  I'm not going to paint a picture here that this was easy….because it wasn't and it did kinda send me into the poor me’s for a bit…..but strangely at the same time I was quite driven to do this!!!!!
     So over the next few months….here's what I noticed ….I was starting to sleep better, indigestion gone, no bloating, no burping and my energy was returning.  My skin looked better and I stopped losing so much hair!!!!    Ok….so step one was helping….now I needed get clear cut picture on all, if any, vitamin deficiencies so that I can begin to replenish and further my healing process!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned…………..

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hashimotos blog 2

    For years I knew I had a “sluggish” thyroid.  I was told this by my PCP due to my TSH level on my yearly physical. I didn't even know what that really meant because I was told not to worry about it since I appeared to be asymptomatic.  Which simply meant I didn't have the typical symptoms that accompanied a sluggish thyroid.  Which were hair loss, fatigue and always feeling cold.  All the other things I was experiencingweren't ever associated with thyroid function or lack thereof so I just kind of explained them away.  At some point I finally saidto myself…something isn't right. I'm achy…my joints hurt. My digestion sucks. My skin is horrible…pms makes me want to rip my hair out…I have anxiety.  I don't sleep well…ugh!!!  My brain is fuzzy…sometimes dizzy. Almost like I'm deleted and motivation….HA. What motivation. So back to the docs in hopes to find something..anything that could explain these symptoms.  , I asked to be tested for Lyme disease ( several times) and at one point the doctor asked me if I could possibly be depressed.  Well hellllooooooo..WTF?????  I don't feel good, I can't do the things I want to do..had once did and all I want to do is rip everyone's head off….so ummmm maybe??  But the connection was never made with my sluggish thyroid.  Until now.  I started to research and read and research some more. The first really valuable information I found was an article written by Isabella Wentz.  Which then led me to buy her book called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause(chock full of very helpful information). So that was what helped me embark upon this journey.  It only took years of feeling  crappy, not quite myself and then after a very stressful and personally painful year for several reasons…my body just began to shut down.  (That's how I described what was happening). 
    But back to the point….and my starting place.    First things first….I read this article and Isabella explained the six tests that needed to be done on the thyroid to get a true picture of what may or may not be going on.  As I read on and read all of the symptoms associated with thyroiditis(sluggish thyroid) and Hashimotots…..I said BAM……that's me
    So turns out that TSH is not the only test that needs to be done….or as I was told…the only one that matters.  Those numbers can change throughout the day????? So it's not always indicative of what's going on.  Peoples numbers can be within the “normal” range and still feel like ****.  
    So I made an appointment with my doctor and requested the following tests to be done so that I can get a clear picture and go from there. 
TPO Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Free T4 
Free T3

Results in….now let's begin.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

My Hashimotos Journey

Hashimotos Blog 1

                                                         My Hashimotos Journey

     Where do I begin?  I have been asking myself this question for weeks as I have been trying to put all my thoughts together, and I have a lot of thoughts.  I don't want to bore you with the details of me…and dumb introductions about me….or a long drawn out story about me.  Truth be told, I'm really not so good at talking about me.  So once again I'm left with asking myself “where do I begin?”
     So I start with telling you all that I just want a place to put my thoughts….even better a place to put my passion.  I always thought that I didn’t have a passion for anything.  Well…it turns out I do and this is it….no not blogging…health and all that that embodies.  For me…. I absolutely love a challenge and when I'm faced with something be it physical emotional Or  mental I attack it in the most organic way possible and I mean organic. But lm a work in progress and this journey I have embarked upon hasn't been easy or perfect.  And I'm not here to tell anyone how to handle any given situation …I just wanted to share  my journey and maybe along the way help someone out and make it just a little bit easier for them than it was for me.
    So here is the place to start if your not feeling your best.  Not sleeping well. Losing hair. Having chronic pain. Feeling anxious. Wanting to scream at the slightest thing ..losing patience easily with others(especially your kids). Just not feeling like you have a handle on your emotions. Tired??  Ha. Not even close.  Try absolutely spent..done…cooked…empty. Or how about like your losing your mind?  Like literally.  Not remembering things….just can't quite recall that damn word.  Palpitations..night sweats..not sleeping sound. And of course major PMS that seems to last all month long.
     Anything sound familiar….it does to me because that exactly how I was living when my body quit on me….and now I wanted to know why.  I needed to know why. And once I found out why….I needed to fix it.. Heal myself.
                                And so begins my journey……..